Professional Services

Value Realization through Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Expertise and?Innovation

Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä has paved the way for the next generation of clinical trials including specialized solutions like decentralized clinical trials, patient-centric solutions, synthetic control arm studies, and advanced analytics.

We provide comprehensive professional services that support the entire clinical trial process, from pre-planning to post-go-live.?

Our global expertise for over 25 years has resulted in more than 33,000+ studies and over 10M patients and healthy volunteers, who have utilized our technology and services.

Key Services

Clinical Informatics Services

Clinical Informatics Services

Clinical Informatics Services is where innovation meets precision in the realm of data-driven solutions for the modern world. Our dedicated Clinical Informatics Services team serves as the backbone of your data-centric operations, offering an array of capabilities to streamline processes, fortify technical infrastructure, and enhance decision-making. This team specializes in enabling our sponsors and CRO partners to maximize their use of the Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Platform.

One of the latest service offerings from Clinical Informatics Services is called Interim Lock, which allows users to take a data cut of a database at any point in time while the study is in progress. This function temporarily locks the database for interim analyses and automates a previously very manual, labor-intensive process. To learn more, read the fact sheet here.

Implementation Services

Flexible Implementation Offerings for Clinical Trials

Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä understands that every client engagement is unique based on its requirements, level of complexity, roles and responsibilities, and timeframes. That¡¯s why Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Professional Services developed implementation frameworks for clinical trials based on our expertise and customer adoption patterns to support faster implementations and a system that meets your operational needs.

Accelerate Study Startups

Accelerate Clinical Trial Study Startups

The Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Professional Services Study Build team helps you achieve the right balance of accelerated clinical trial study startup, improved data quality, and faster database lock.

Education and Training

Education and Training Drive User and?Technology Adoption

Maximize your technology investment by training users to increase adoption and streamline operational processes. We get your teams up and running quickly through Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Global Education¡¯s extensive courses and flexible training formats. Users also have the option to earn formal credentials in the implementation and use of Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä¡¯s Unified Platform through our Certification Program.

Operational Support After Go-Live

Our Team is Dedicated to Your Study¡¯s Success

You are not alone after Go-Live. We have a team of Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä technology experts dedicated to supporting you with any questions or issues in order to ensure safe and effective clinical trials.

Benefits of Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Professional Services

Best-in-Class Experience in Technology and Clinical Trials

Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä¡¯s Strategy and Transformation Consulting team uses a value-engagement model to evaluate, identify, and implement changes within the organization and external partners to adopt new innovations across clinical trials.

Implementing Best Practices within your Clinical Trials

Successful implementation and integration for clinical trials requires you to adhere to best practices.?

Our team works with you to define the critical business objectives Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä¡¯s solutions support, timelines that outline major tasks and milestone dates, and responsibilities for implementing the solution. This ensures efficient deployment and faster technology adoption across your clinical trials.?

User Adoption to Support Clinical Trial Technology Investment

Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä understands that innovative solutions are only effective if used properly. That¡¯s why we train users to successfully navigate the system and become subject matter experts (SMEs) in their organizations.?

We offer on-demand training through Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä eLearning, accessible directly within the Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Platform. Instructor-led courses are also available online or in person at Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä offices, client facilities, and at investigator meetings.

Providing 24×7 Support throughout a Study¡¯s Lifecycle

Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä utilizes best in class methodologies and practices to create an optimized application environment that improves process efficiency and issue visibility so you can free-up clinical trial resources to focus on innovation and trial success.

Our Customer Success team will work closely with your team to provide on-going support and coordinate ongoing study management activities to proactively manage your clinical trials through the life of the study for improved agility, speed, and compliance.

¡°When faced with a challenging request in which Moderna knew they needed Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä to support and execute on, we knew that we could rely on and trust the partnership that Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä and Moderna has built over the years. And that Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä would put their most innovative and thoughtful solution to support whatever was the need.¡±

¨C Laurie Callen

¡°We have access to our project manager that we¡¯re touching base with every month so that we can talk¡­ and that¡¯s really made a difference.¡±

¨C Melita Romasco

¡°My relationship with Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä as a small company, we¡¯ve had to rely pretty heavily on Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä as far as their support system and they really helped guide us. We essentially took them on as being our primary go-to for the builds.¡±

¨C Erin O¡¯Boyle

¡°Whether it¡¯s a dermatology study or an irritable bowel disease study or a pain study, we largely have the same individuals at Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä supporting us¡­Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä and our team work very?closely.¡±

¨C Kye Gilder

Ambit Bioscience Transitions Three Critical Oncology Studies with the Help of Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Professional Services

Learn how a pilot of Remote Source Review leads to broader automation in remote monitoring and data collection.

With the help of Áų̀²Êͼ¿â±¦µä Professional Services, Ambit Bioscience transitioned three critical oncology studies through a pilot of Remote Source Review, leading to broader automation in remote monitoring and data collection.

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